Quote Originally Posted by AbsolutePally View Post
Ive thoroughly enjoyed this game. I think people forget it is in a phone, mobile, and we can actually interact with the real developers. This game is amazing and has a lot of different enjoyable options so just take it into perspective and be grateful.

Not to mention. The 50 cap was amazing and in the grand scheme of things it is the midway point. More and more is being introduced, slowly. We are just 3 caps away, the filler caps in retrospec away from halfway! More to come guys, dont expect every cap to blow your socks off then again and again. It is a work in progress and one day you will see and understand what these genius people are doing for PL
Greatful itsnt a correct word for all us like you and me we invested alot into this game we expect the best. Thats why there have been alot complaining. Becuase people have spent beyond any game system or any game they have owned r played on pocket legends. And acutally we are the ones paying and the devs like us is
There job to make us happy. R opinion is important.