Quote Originally Posted by WoundedEagle View Post
-"Like my wittle bow?"
-"Nom nom nom nom nom!"
-"Well doctor, I am having trouble grasping things with my left hand."
-"I'm cookoo for Flesh-o-Puffs!"
-"Step 3 of the hot girl hand book is to cock your hip to the left."
-"Cause this is thriller, thriller night"
-"Put your hands out where I can see 'em!"

Green Guy:
-"Can I borrow your nail clippers?"
-"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."
-"I told you the optometrist dilated my eyes too much"
-"Have you seen my baby? My poor baby!"

Grr arg:
-'We want YOU to join the Undead Army"
-"Hey there. Come here often?"
-*Walks out of bathroom stall*"Why are you all pointing at my foot?"
-"I love this new crimson red nail polish!"

-"I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the elbow"
-"Honey, I told you life alert was a good idea"
-"Pass...(gasp)..me...(gasp)..my...(gasp).. inhaler."
-"My real name...is...Voldemort!"
-"Can I borrow a tissue? I think I'm gonna *Achuuuuu!*"
-"I'll chase you through the yard, and all throught the house into the dark. Oh Iiii, want to steal your har-art, and eat your brains."

No Eyes:
-"Shot put is my new favorite sport!"
-"Think fast!"
-"Where's my glasses?"
-"You ask why I wear contacts? Well the glasses I wanted were out of stock."

-"Got ribs?"
-"Lookin' like a fool, wit' ma' pants on da' ground."

-"Hey Becka, do you think I'm annoxeric?"
-"Betcha can't shoot lasers out of your eyes"
-"I whip my wraps back and forth, I whip my wraps back and forth!"
Why you gotta be so educated WE? D: