So after seeing the latest forum contest poll with the mummy catchphrases and me being apart of it, I really truly payed a lot of attention towards it and saw 'patterns' in the votes themselves and the replys on the thread. Not to say it's unfair at all cause i'm still in the top 10 (hopefully staying there so i can use the plat to reserve my name in DL) but even if i wasn't i'd say it was a fun run anyways. I have a few ideas later on to enhance forum polls to filter out the assuming and pointing of the finger.

-Make the contest submissions hidden in the forum thread so nobody can look upon them and edit their post later on. I was a member of a forum that hid threads instantly when they were posted but could still be edited, so i know this can be done somehow.

-Don't post names on the poll as this strays the point of voting for the best entry to voting for someone you know (popularity contest)

-Throw some rules in there! Rules are good and when they're in place, most people follow them :] (no spam advertising in game, no bribing players, etc)

-Make newly accounts unable to participate in polls. Make it so they either need to post a certain amount of times or their account needs to be a certain amount of days old. This would stop vote boosting.

Hope these ideas are taken into consideration :]