Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsThis View Post
If it is like PC MMOs that have taken this path, well. there are reasons why I have decided to jump off. But there still is a window for STS; Humania for one. A lot of players here will come back if they can turn around Humania. I may or may not be one of them though. For that to happen though, they are going to need something more epic than AO3 and changes in how they monetize PL.

To me, it's interesting that pre-nerf AO3 was known for it's difficulty. If you look at the K/Ds of all of the oldies, you'll see a sign and it wasn't their lack of skill. To some extent the last 2 dungeons have had a comparable level of difficulty. The differences though are that AO3 was mostly new content and that for-pay elixirs in their current form did not exist. Plus the average player skill at the time was much better. An oldie from 2010 would understand.

Farewell and good luck to you as well.

Finally, it would appear that somebody has ranked this a one-star thread. Apparently, I have enemies; most likely from PvP and active around here - there are some people that well, don't take well to losing. Quite fascinating; bitter to the end it would seem. Lol.
I think what's even more interesting is to look back on pre-nerf Ancient Swamps.
When the level cap was 35-ish (I believe), dying was an natural part of the game. Believe it or not, every single instance was a fight to the end. No elixers. No special stuff.

You know what? Back then, even having a full pink set was awesome.

But now, you can get by with platinum, speeding your way through the game and avoiding difficulties.