I understand how you feel. When I FINALLY got to play SL, it was a let-down because I really, really, really ... really ... wanted to be a founder in that game. Instead I got to watch a bunch of johnny-come-latelies rave about it for 6 weeks. So after the first few days of playing (and running out of stims, then finding out how much they cost!!!) I pronounced it unplay-able. But that was me and my anger. A few weeks later I picked it up again, this time starting a different character type, and within a few levels I was invited to a guild that help new players get through that first campaign. The real problem was that the juicers are too tough for low level characters so they use up their stims, or die. Instead, use the free daily to jump quickly to level 3, then move on to the Red Sun boards. If you are very careful, and you manage to make some 100 - 200 cr sales in CS, then you can afford stims. Someone in my guild flat out gave me 100 of each and said pay it forward. Then I came to love SL. It is very balanced. You can't rush or expect to do the kind of killing sprees you see in PL. You have to manage the mobs by pulling and isolating. It's really a very good game. I think it's worth a second look.