Quote Originally Posted by Shellkaz View Post
I'm hoping that if there is a beta, and, if I get a key, that they do wipe all stats. I don't think that it would be fair for myself or anyone to have a head start. Players with beta keys would have enough of a head start just by being familiar with the all of the basic mechanics of game play. Of course for myself and many of the PL and SL guild masters, we would be able to share info learned with our guild mates. I'm hoping for guilds in DL but expecting that info sharing would be done in current guilds.

Additionally, If stats are wiped, i would be willing to try out pvp if it is available during beta. I might not be good but I'd make a great test dummy lol. I die well in pvp.
I was in SL vcast beta and if you know it was the earliest beta. We had are k/d and leaderboards wiped at release which wasn't a big deal but we kept are levels. So basically we had a head start.

The head start didn't last long because the new map gave very low xp gains so it actually let the Apple users catch up. I'm sure there will be a beta but I might be wrong too, if you read the Facebook page there has been inner testing going on. So hopefully we will know soon.