Drew, I in no way, acting like $35 is nothing. I know for many that is a lot. I, myself, have not been able to buy plat for a while. Truth is this will make it easier for me in one way and bit more difficult for me in another way.

But, sometimes people need to think of something other than just themselves. For me, at least, the question: Is plat optional or not? is kind of secondary.

I think that what really the main question is: Does STS deserve to make enough and/or more profit than they have been making. Do they have the right to raise prices? I doubt anyone doubts that. But, is it a good idea? I think that is the main question.

First off, we not sure they are raising prices with this. We'll have to see. I hope ftlog that they don't start a third currency for any one of the games.

The fact that plat is optional in a video game makes it bit different than gas or food. How many times have you seen a bunch of nuts protesting the cost of ski lift tickets. Skiing is an optional activity. Buying plat is an optional activity.

But, as I said, read my last post. If this turns out to be a mistake, they will fix it. But, just like Winter Fest they had a real good idea in advance. But, wanted to run a test.

Look at STS's press page. Then tell me they don't deserve to make huge profit. They haven't raised the price of plat in how long? A year and a half? Never? How fast is gas going up?