Quote Originally Posted by hamhocks View Post
Alright so here is the deal... There is one scammer in particular that I swear to god must be on the top ten biggest scammers of sl. His name is blackrenjer and he has scammed people out of everything from creds to vans to weps.... You get the point, do not trust anything this pkayer says. He cannot help you in any way. I am warning you, do not trade with blackrenjer. Those that I have spoken with have reported him with a detailed account of what happened. Now, since nothing is being done about this character I am asking that if you have been scammed by blackrenjer in particular please post what happened and how much or what you were scammed out of. This should help raise awareness for this scammer.
Like I just told Zakk please don't call people out on the forums this might cause trouble and we don't need any trouble if your having a problem please contact support with a detailed explaination and let STS handle it. If you think nothing is being done don't forget STS is not EA they only have 35+ employes and their managing three mmos give them sometime and they will deal with these scammers.