So I started this game about a week ago and I noticed that Fire staves and Shadow staves are very different in terms of damage range and DPS when of the same rarity and level.
What's the difference between them?
So I started this game about a week ago and I noticed that Fire staves and Shadow staves are very different in terms of damage range and DPS when of the same rarity and level.
What's the difference between them?
The effect of the spell
The fire does normal damage and the shadow can sometimes get the effect of weakness (mage spell causing -armour and -dodge)
Fire staves do area blast dmg
Don't the lightning ones stun?
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If you like to use any of the Ice skills then don't use any of the fire staffs. It causes the enemies to become unfrozen. However if you use Firestorm after using Icestorm you can get a combo. I prefer Ice Staffs because they tend to do higher damage then other staffs.
Pocket Legends: Docvoodo Level 50 Enchantress
Deadeyevoodo Level 6 Dexchantress
Star Legends: Docvoodo Level 9 Engineer
anf fire staff burn foes, right?
A veteran who cannot let go the glorified Legends days.
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