alright. I have pretty much quit pl...and went into sl. and man it is fun. So...most ppl kno a twink lvl 26 called gmajjor. well that person got a free guild in sl so im here to make it grow. (i am not gmajjor)

-a comments needed
-a 10-20 twink...

-not sure bcuz the gm is probably busy playin pl...more info later

-honest and wont kick ppl out for no reason
-more info soon when i get to talk to gm

-alright, this might b a big thing...TO MAKE ALL 10-20 TWINKS JOIN THIS GUILD
-TO MAKE ALL 10-20 TWINKS B GOOD (build helping and strategies)

guild hall
-tier 1...
-learned from experience that 100 plat for a guild that pvps is pointless
-no one uses guild hall so whats the point?!?!?!?

-within the guild might b mini teams.
-boomasta(me), icefiresea, and ccbasher(hes part of phoenix but still cool) are like a team
-what a team does
-help kill other team with strategy (love ffa ctf)
-kill ppl that r offensive to teammates

-dont say bad things to other guildies or other ppl
-HAVE FUN!!! (the usual)

pm me to join. ign is boomasta. my time zone is idk. Its a time zone where california is in...ty