Quote Originally Posted by Zolum View Post
Just like my guild ane, they don't understand. You have a good idea, but when people don't want to accept it, they insult it. They have a problem with it. I didn't try to start a war either. It happens. Keep with your idea. Now Kano gets it. Kano will stay in PT and help you with questions. Rittik gets it too. Ane, your speech is fine, all people just don't accept it. This is not an insult to anyone, just truth.

Actually, we didn't have a problem until you started one.

Like I've said before, we don't care what you call yourselves, it's just a label. You can be droids, we will be twinks, it doesn't matter it's just a game. You're the one that started getting pissed Bc we liked to be called twinks rather than droids, since it was an MMO tradition.

Why don't you leave it in the past, you decided to start a war that only went on in your head. You involved PT in it, when we didn't want to take part in it.

I have no idea why you keep bringing this subject up._., but leave us out of any other little wars you want to start. Like what happnened last time, Goat took you into 1v1 and ended it there. You, him, and those who asked know what side won. He was nice enough not to post the winner on forums, so both of you could keep your sense in pride.

So drop it.

Also Ane, like I said above.

You can take the test as many times as you want, you don't need to quit after the first time. If you wish to enter the guild that bad, Goat will let you in. He usually gives you a certain amount of time to get better. Than he decides if you fight him or someone else.

Anyways good luck !