Quote Originally Posted by Elyseon:628722
Yeh i stand in towne naked then beg for gold, i use the nifty 'hide level' option on the character page customization, conveniently it is bugged if u r level 66 and just hides one of the 6's so ppl think im level 6 and give me loads of gold, i make about 100k-200k each day this way

Also the level bug allows me to join level 1-11 games for pvp so i go in with my crafted lilith (yes im an int bear, no im not dumb, i have more int than most bears thus making me more intelligent) and everyone is like 'lol noob with scaled lilith set' then i own them and laugh and they all cry and report me for being pro so i kill them more and they all die!
Lol! Best thing ever! I always wear low lvl items and go around as the "town bard" because of my banjo I play