Quote Originally Posted by Rnrking View Post
the only ppl that are going to win now are the ones in a guild or have a big following. so this has basically become a popularity contest. i like the idea of letting the ppl decide i just wish ppl made decisions on who they like and not on who there friends with.
I agree. Basically, anyone that is known and popular among the community and forums, they're going to get voted for. Now, I'm not hating on anyone, or anything like that. But I'm just saying that I agree with those that say that now the people that are getting voted for are the popular ones, while the people that aren't that well known among the community aren't going to get voted for at all. That kind of sucks, I was going to enter too, but seeing that it's all about popularity in the votes, I'm not even going to bother. One of the entries, forgot his name but it starts with an 'N' and ends in 88, his design was awesome. Yet, he didn't even get 1 vote. It's all about popularity nowadays.