Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
Wow, thats an extensive list...lookin snazzy

Question: Changes coming to the map and energy systems..

so what do we need to do...will there be more energy that will exceed 25?
will there be a warning (so no banking to non-forum members)?
will we still be able to get free buffs?
Energy will not exceed 25, and will still be used for the "Contacts" system. 3D and PvP content will be free and not require energy, so as your energy refills from doing the missions, vampire district, and pvp you can send your contacts to do more things on the side for you.

Again the important part of the conteact system is the choice you guys get to make when you start a contact action. You can get sometign quick, or hold out for longer periods of time to yield the big rewards! It's up to you and your playstyle.

We also will not be gating campaign progression with a hard timer for actions. You will be free to carry on to the next campaign of content... but the minimum recommended level will increment campaign to campaign. Once this happens you can brave the tough environment or go back to earlier campaigns to level up more before proceeding.

You likely won't see many level 11's running around Marshwood for example