"I love just being me."
"Singing is all that I see. Music, and horses, and looking at the mirror, put yourself together 'cause I sing in the shower!"
"Random times, random days, did you just smear yourself with glaze?"
"I love every day, everyday, i'm okay!"
"Lookie out, here comes Paar! All I know about him is that he's cool and is a star!"
"Paar just saved yo life."
"Whenever I ride my horse,
I look out the horizon and feel no remorse,
all the adventures of today,
put me in a position I cannot delay.
I saved a girl's life,
rode a horse and almost died twice,
I also rolled a dice,
it landed on random, and made me eat lice.
whenever I go in to shower,
I always remember,
that I will remember.
Seven times, seven days,
A guy was playing sad music for me as I gazed.
He played with a horrible sounding violin,
that I punched him, and made him, instead, sing.
His voice was so terrible,
That I turned him into a convertible.
Whenever a gaze out to the horizon,
I remember that funny look on the man's face when I punched him." The adventures of Paar
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