Quote Originally Posted by Shaocalur View Post
I remember the day it all happened. I was home with my family, we were surrounding the radio, listening. President Franklin Delenor Roosevelt was announcing to the country the bombing of Pearl Harbor from the Japanese. Me and my family had listened in horror. To do this day I still do not know how I got home. But I had a story to tell: yesterday I was alive, now I'm dead but I still roam among the others as if I am one of them. I still don't know how I got home but I remember everything that had happened the day before.

It was yesterday, (December 7th, 1941) I was there. In the radar room on Bayton beach in Florida. Everything was fine, then I noticed a dot on the radar. I saw the first plane come but ignored it. I figured it was nothing of importance. Then that's when it happened. The bombs starting falling. Everywhere. People were screaming, cries for help rang out. I ran outside, trying to find shelter. I noticed a strange looking women moving quite fast for her age away from the bombing. I caught up to her and asked for her name and if she had a place to stay. She said her name was Delphina and that she had an apartment building just a few blocks ahead. Before I had a chance to react she kicked me in my stomach so I was at her level then she bit into my neck. I woke up the next day in my home alone.

That was over 60 years ago. I was 34 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. I was born March 16th, 1907. I should be 105 years old and dead. Yet I am still 34 and I look as good as new. What happened that day I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that I am now a vampire.

Edit: Tartar sauce! If I had read Mrs. Berry's post before making mine I wouldn't have made my story based on WW2 >.<
OMG! So funny! This thread is great!