Lol, I wish I could catch you jumpin in my roon so I could. *hoofkick*

The booting option is made to be used, used to moderate our rooms. If we have a set team and you ninja somones spot, YES you are going to get booted. We may not want to write that out, and we put silly reasons because its fun. Booting and killing are two of my very few joys in SL these days. Yes, the devs created passwords to eliminate the hassle of booting, but that still leaves the hassle of writing out the password. Idk about you, but my teams can go reallllly fast when it comes to Inner Core runs, and I am not about to make four people write out a password when I can just boot you. Some people boot for no reason, and are truly just trying to be buttheads, but most of us are just trying to moderate our rooms.

Get over it already.