He isn't the first to do so. The first I saw was Haikus, and I am not sure if he was first either. It is quite simple, just leach off your friends like Haikus did with me and some others. It took him a few days, and it is fairly easy. You don't wanna join random games, if you do, they may suck and die and ruin your ratio. So level with good friends, it won't take what long. Now, I believe that is his main character, IMO, that's kinda a waste, because you wont get a good look of the game, and few people will wanna level and play with someone that doesn't do work. Just my opinion.

I was gonna do this, but I felt it would be a waste, just because you couldn't use him in PvE. Haikus did it the hard way though. He didn't use any skill points or attributes until he hit level 45. It was pretty fun kiting D'Jinn and Dead Eyes and dying and watching Haikus exit the level in .37 seconds