My guesses nice idea for a game lolz though your answers will make some grit their teeth and face palm seriousley!! Lol

Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather- 5k
Winterfest Merry Toy Man Wand (Lvl 20) 80k
Festive Snowball Launcher (Lvl 10) 80k
Demonic Glyph Platemail (STR) 230k
Glyph Dagger of Mimicry (Lvl 60) 30k
Humanian Tiki Trance Bongo (Lvl 70) 350k
Sentenial Shotgun of Death *90k
Keepers Helmet of Shadows 90k
Crafted Sanguine Leather (Lvl 65) 60k
Dreamers Onyx Cloak (Lvl 21) 50k
Zombies Banjo Blaster (Lvl 31)*
Zombies Voodoo Master Robe 90k
Guardian Battle Sword of Hate 20k*
Frozen Iceberg Longsword (Lvl 32 "Green Ice") <-----Really Cheap ^^ 10k*