Not new to game but iam to the forums. Just wonted to say
HI STS Community
Not new to game but iam to the forums. Just wonted to say
HI STS Community
Why hello there!
Bringing back the wave!
RIP: Flowman
MY GUESS: 5,002 <-- Yes.. it still is.
CrimsonTider::Astuteness::Crim::CrimzonTider::IBec kon::Houndstooth
WreckzNEffect::Intuitive::Kinesiology::Crimagical: :Killtastrophe::SsgtSlaughter::Transfixion
PL:Xxkoopyxx~Xpertfarmer~Avianftw~Ithepvptwink~ Expertfarmer~Gratuity~Theaviantwink~Bearocalypsed~ Tehmagetwink~Tehbeartwink~Koopymerch+more AL:Thepvptwink~Xxkoopyxx~Ithepvptwink SL: Thepvptwink DL: Thepvptwink
Heyah welcome I'm new as well.
Yoyoyo! Wassup! Add Miraclebird
Ps. Don't let the trolls get ya!
Credits to Iady
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