1) your in-game-name and what it stands for (means something?) and what name u want to be used? IGN or forum?
IGN: Gravitate- to have a natural tendency or be strongly attracted. just use my forum name please (:

2) what is yo fav book, film, game
don't really have one, not a picky person.

3) what you like to do in SL - merching/farming/PvP (1-1, FFA, CTF) etc..
I do a little bit of everything. only merch when I'm in need of credits.

4) yo hobby

5) anything else you think will help me
nope, nothing I can think of atm..

6) yo personal account info - mail and password JOKIN JOKIN never give this stuff to anyone

7) almost forgot - screenshot from 'inspect screen' might be usefull
I been having problems trying to post pictures on forum through my phone.. I wish I could post it though..