Quote Originally Posted by Battlegrinder View Post
I was thinking that STS could add some new equipment and items into SL.
Grenades: not just for damage, but with effects, like stun, knockdown, or gravity well.
Deployable shield: Need a moment to catch your breath, let your skills recharge, ect? Just toss down a shield and be protected from enemy fire for a moment. The catch is, you can't shoot back. Could also be used to trap a troublesome foe inside it, or prevent enemies from chasing you when you retreat.
Turret: The Scorn get to call in turrets to support them, I think its time we get to return the favor.

Also, a minor adjustment to crafting. Instead of just upgrading your weapon to a better version, we should be able to just tweak it slightly by adding new parts onto it.
Scope: boost to hit% and crit%.
Silencer: Boosted dodge rate.
Extended magazine/canister: Boost to fire rate and damage.
Plus some new parts:
Grenade launcher: Fire a potent AOE shot. Very slow recharge
Napalm canister: Gives weapon fire stun effect like napalm rifle.
Health Drain: Gives you X percentage of damage dealt as health (Would really help commando survivability)

Upgrade parts would be transferable between weapons, and would be found in drops or as store purchases.
Sounds kinda cool +1

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