Personally I don't care about the set bonus, I just want to look different than everyone else. I bought a black set because I like the way it looks, same reason I have a gold set. I am looking forward for the black set to be turned into vanities because Id like to wear my Demonic set under this. IMO, it will be the best looking thing on the game.

With that said, this maybe, and if, wishy washy stuff, cost me almost a gold cap last time with the new Humania sets and which one would be craftable. If I lose close to that again, I'm just simply done with the game. No hard feelings, no rage, just done. When a game "stresses" someone out in a sense, its not fun anymore. I know Mark can relate to this, as he was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to decide if he should sell his blue set in order to obtain the black set. That didn't look like he was having any fun to me.