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  1. #61
    Junior Member FlawlessMage's Avatar
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    Here is operative entry. Not so good lol so dont laugh:
    Attachment 16362

    In Game Name: Flawlesscomm
    Category: Operative
    Item Name: Scorn Blasters of the Flaw (dont laugh -_-)
    Description: Found deep under the secret runes of Scorn act II! We decided to use to defeat scorn monsters with their own acids located inside the gun! Epic, right?

  2. #62
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    Don't worry atleast I didn't laugh at allKewl entry!

  3. #63
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    Lol mine looked cool till other ppl posted thiers ._.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ancestor View Post
    • Character Name: Megabunny
    • Category: Operative
    • Your Items Name:HydroDisintegrators
    Attachment 16116
    Attachment 16117
    Attachment 16118
    • Written description of the weapon: This is my design of my amphibious gun. It has the ability to shoot rays, and drowns them from the inside. There is water flowing through the gun. When enemy dies water splutters out like in the beach antennae in PL.
    Guns Description: "What are you going to do?... Drown me!" Scorn, R.I.P.
    Gun Shoots: Blue Rays
    Gun Colors: Aqua Blue and Black on gun. With Red and Lime Green on blaster tip.
    Custom: When you craft it water vapor comes out of gun.
    Stats: Has amazing DPS, 85-95 damage, shoots every .5 seconds, +100 armor value, +1 regain in both mama and health, and +5 dodge, but has bad health and mama.

    Hope you like it it took me about 12 hours to make
    Awesome! Made on google sketch up!

  5. #65
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    Character name:Mexicans

    Category: operative

    Weapon type:dual pistols

    Weapon name: deaths shadow pistols

    Description: pistols used by the reaper himself, these pistols shoot pure darkness and drain enemy's health and replenish yours

  6. #66
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    IGN: Divinehawkz


    Name:  wMSEy.jpg
Views: 505
Size:  119.8 KB

    -Double small ball of energy glowing red/blue.

    *DivineHawkz -46 Operative
    Tired and sad but fun.. - Feitan

  7. #67
    Luminary Poster BodMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xcon View Post
    Character Name: Grifyth

    Item category: Operative Dual-Guns

    Item Name: Grifyth's Nightmare Phoenix

    Weapon Schematics:

    Attachment 16626

    "Beware Enemies of Phoenix."-Grifyth

    PART 1: The Secret Hive

    Grifyth sat shaken on the edge of consciousness darkness engulfed him but the sound of water dripping slowly off in the distance brought him back into the real world. He glanced around and cautiously took in his surroundings he had fallen into a hole after the Hive Queen he had been pursuing as a member of an elite hostile alien life extermination squad known as Phoenix had collapsed after being defeated by Grifyth and his crew. Realizing the ensuing earthquake had cause the ground to break away beneath his feet casting him further into the depths of the Infested Hive Planet. There was no light this far below the surface, the air was dank and had a musky scent, soft glows of green and red emanating off strange fungus from nearby rocks dimly lit the cavern walls. How many miles had he fallen below the surface? Grifyth thought grimly and then suddenly off in the dark he heard movement. The sounds of movement he had learned to recognize as a grim omen indeed during his time spent in the brighter surface caves. He dared to don his X-ray visors and he grimaced as he peered through the visors that clearly lit the cave confirming his fear as he looked once more upon his Alien foe.

    The thrash and crack of a hoard of Alien mandibles and screeching claws as their stone like exoskeleton scrapped away against the stone was quickly making it's way towards him. Realising he had lost his Napalm Carbine in the quake Grifyths hands instinctively went to his Phoenix a pair of gold and chrome dual magnums rigged to fire masses of dark matter instantly vaporizing any foe, He groaned, the auxiliary packs were low on power and he was out of spares the long hunt for the Alien Queen had taken up most of his weapons power and he had not anticipated the sudden change of events. To his horror and dismay the roar of a Hive Queen... and another... and then another! echoed through the cavern halls shaking the earth beneath Grifyth and causing rubble and stone to come crashing down from the ceiling above. Fearing the gruesome death that would certainly find him had he stayed in the area he began to run as quickly as he could in the opposite direction of the pursuing Aliens. He ran through mile after mile of darkness and gloom he could feel his legs begin to ache from strenuous pace the vicious hoard of murderous alien monstrosity's were setting he knew he could not out run them sooner or later he would have to stand, Fight, and probably die.

    That's when he saw it. A rock ledge a few feet off the ground large enough for one person to stand on... and fire into the faces of any unfortunate enemy race unwise enough to try and climb up after him. Grifyth scaled the rock and turned in time to see the terrifying noise that had been chasing him through the shadows take shape as a teaming mass of swarming red Aliens the Queen Grifyth could see was hearding her red children down the cavern halls towards the perch of rock where Grifyth had chosen to make his final stand. Almost instantaneously they were at the base of the stone pushing and fighting one another clearly jockeying for the best position to climb up the cavern wall. Each and every one wanted to be the first to tear into the succulent humanoid flesh that was known to be a delicacy to this particular breed of Alien and presenting the maimed corpse to their ruthless queen was an honorable and glorious victory. The Crimson Alien were famous for their brutality and blood lust. Grifyth unloaded as soon as one of the alien began to crest over the side of the ledge a single bolt of dark matter vaporized the creature.

    Grifyth fired one round after another in rapid succession carefully targeting the heads of the vicious reds cackling and taunting the encroaching alien force as flashes from the muzzles of his chrome phoenix's dark matter bolts lit the cave around him. Grifyth lasted only a couple of minutes before he had been completely overrun on all sides. The long insecticidal limbs of his enemies lashed out at him seeking to impale him on their spear like exoskeleton but Grifyth masterfully parried and dodged each blow the tips of his guns adeptly weaving into the openings left by the Alien limbs dark matter flying turning his enemies to dust around him. The years he had spent training in the UC marines and the experience of many battles he had fought on foreign worlds as a member of Phoenix guided his every motion. He had graduated the academy with full military honors and earned the title of Weapons Master. But the Weapon Masters luck finally ran out. The auxiliary packs that powered Grifyths weapons went dark and his chrome phoenix would fire no more. Fighting desperately while unarmed he used his pistol handles as clubs and began to smash in the skulls of the oncoming army of Aliens. He was glad he had decided to wear his blade tech on the trip. The armor turned his every limb into a weapon each leg and arm was equipped with several lethal holographic blades. With each parry feint and dodge he put one extremity or another within striking range of the alien severing limbs and heads and cutting the aliens soft underside whenever the opportunity presented itself. The queen came over the ledge out of surprising Grifyth catching the entangled Weapons Master off guard and sending him flying into the wall at his back with one twist of its dense stone like head.

    The wall crumbled from the force of the impact for the second time this day Grifyth found himself once again falling into blackness.

    PART: 2 A Deal With A Devil

    He scrambled backwards as he hit the stone floor and snapped his head towards the gaping entrance his body had made as it crashed through the caves wall. The Aliens swarmed over every inch but they were being held back by some sort of magical barrier then he heard the telepathic voice of a demon speaking directly to his mind," It seems that like Myself you have gotten yourself into a bit of trouble." the voice spoke as though it were mocking him. Enraged but confused the Weapons Master managed to keep his cool, " You and I are nothing alike evil one." He replied evenly.

    "We are both trapped in the depths of this vile planet forced into hiding or imprisonment in My case by the traitorous race of Scorn Alien that trapped me here. The impudent fools actually believed that I would not be free one day but I am eternal and had to wait not very long here when you consider an eternity. Now an opportunity presents itself there lie your pistols on the ground powerless and here is all of my demonic energy trapped in this cave and now we both might be free if you are willing to make a deal." The demons dark voice resonated through his thoughts hinting at freedom and a cryptic deal. Grifyth scrutinized every word the demon said trying to decipher what sort of deal the Demon could possibly want to make. "Get to the catch demon I do not want to spend an eternity in this nightmare." Grifyth spoke bluntly he did not enjoy riddles or surprises. " I will lend you my power sealing my soul into your weapons giving them energy and powers the like of which you have never known!" the demon sounded triumphant. Grifyth was cautious he had heard from UC Marine scientists that the demon spirits the Scorn enemy utilized were no small force to be trifled with but he knew there was no other choice. "What's in it for you?" he snapped at the demon within his mind. "Freedom of course! in exchange for my power you will release me from your weapons once we escape this place." The demon had read the mans thoughts already and knew he would accept before the words even left the Weapon Masters mouth. "I accept you deal Vile Creature!" grifyth roared at the nothingness that engulfed him and the demon in his head.

    His weapons levitated into the air and the energy of the evil demon emanated from the pistols the power twisting and shaping the metal in a much darker sinister form. The four hearts of the demon materialized on either side of both guns the dark power pulsing along the sides of the weapon that itself was black as a moonless night. Grifyth reached out and grasped his new Demon possessed Phoenix in his hands. He felt a sudden burst of adrenaline and power as the ethereal energy of the demon made it's way through every fiber of his being. A sudden burst of power from beyond the magical barrier sent a group of the Alien Aggressors flying into the air. Grifyth shot from the entrance of the chamber like a bullet the combined power of the demon making him faster and stronger than any average field operative. With the unrivaled rate of fire and damage per second that could be attributed to a demon powered fully automatic dual pistols with dual barrels that were constantly spinning in clockwise counter clockwise motion as the Weapon Master rained death upon his enemy. He exterminated the hoard easily enough dancing adeptly in between his enemies pistols flashing brilliantly in the dark. He laughed maniacally as he fought his way into the darkness there was a very long ways to go to the surface. Grifyth fought brutally for every inch and when he finally made it back to the surface and to his Phoenix Head Quarters all were surprised to see him and in awe of his new found dual-pistols. During a debriefing the demon within the guns learned that the team would next be sent to hunt down the scorn... there was nothing the evil entity wanted to do more than kill the Scorn. Besides he had come to like having Grifyth as a host. He told the Weapons master he would stay within the Phoenix for as long as they would be used to destroy the scorn that had imprisoned the evil one for so long. Grifyth enjoying his new found strength was in no hurry to get rid of the Demon...

    Outstanding job! Especially with the finishing touches the story (;

    Good luck!

    Still trying to comprehend how 2k+ can die from Barrels O.o

  8. #68
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    Question Weapons Design for my Operative

    Character: Wipp

    Item Class: Operative

    Weapons Tag : Da Sentinal - Dual Wielding mini-quad cannons.

    Technical Schematics : Quad-barreled, mini-Rail cannons.a Power source, which is a careful 20/80 mixture of Prions
    and Dark matter, remains stable until it is exited as 4 inch long rods. Dispersed through 4 chambers,
    It leaves this weapon safe enough to hold in human hands. It is equiped with an exclusively-made Deatomizer
    Handgrip that constantly radiates off the spent energy when not in use. With the help of laser sighting. The Op
    Accurate kill-zone within 97 ft. DPS 49-101. At a firing rate of 2 r/p/s, cool-down is minimal. The lower barrel
    discharges a 7 inch rod. Target impact for all discharges removes life supply from enemy in 3-6 rounds.

    Eyes Only: My name is Greoraazaton. Before the scorn rose to power, I was a commando and Observist. I travelled for the sake of knowledge
    and curiosity. I couldnt contribute to the idea of designing weapons anymore so I relinquished my designs and ideas for
    good. Sure, I made good money submitting weapons designs to the Scorn Enrichment Department but their goal was not to help
    humanity, but to hinder and destroy us instead. I've been so naive. My Journey to a dying star named Canis Majoris was my
    milestone. It is simply the largest object in known existence. True story. At a distance of 2,000 light years away. I was able to
    capture 287,000 tons of this material for my project. Aptly titled "Feather-Weight". Any scientist knows a pin-drop of Dark Matter
    weighs at least 200 tons so I had to take 4 ounces of Prion molecules to lower the density thus making it light enough to be held
    in a single human hand! After years of tinkering with formulas, I perfected it. The scorn found out and wanted this technology
    matched with theirs. They wanted me to infuse the material with the souls of demons but I refused. It would be an unstable
    mixture and the consequences would be of dire galactic scale. They took my family away from me and demonized them. This is
    my strength now. And they know their weapons are absolete to this material; Therefore, making it a weakness for them all. I
    have equipped my Operative Trainee to field-test my weapon. Its a virtual working design so I didnt apply any color to it yet.
    I need to be able to monitor its inner-mechanics until the testing is done. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted, General.


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    Name:  Weapons Design.jpg
Views: 422
Size:  614.3 KB

  10. #70
    Senior Member thecrankybearsam's Avatar
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    I don't know how I'm going to compete with these but I'll see how it goes!

    Thanks for the sig JeffSorrows!

  11. #71
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    Sry theyre so blury
    •Character Name: Blueop
    •Category: Operative
    •Item Name: Father Scorn's Blackcharger pistols
    •Written discription: "My still alive-Andrew Scorn, Blackstar soldier"
    These weapons were found in a crypt by Andrew Scorn, Marlin Scorn's son. That's when andrew knew he was on the right track. These pistols are very helpful in combat. They are charged by black scorn batteries, which allows the pistols to shoot out epic black lasers. The black scorn wings at the back are for stabbing enemies that come from behind.
    Sorry I didn't colour it. If these get picked i want sts to choose the colours them selves, but I did write some of the colours in the picture, but it is hard to see. Nothing compared to the other great submissions. Good luck to all!

    Thanks for the sig JeffSorrows!

  12. #72
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    Vampiric Mini Rail Pistols

    These weapons were discovered in a Scorn "laboratory" during a raid by GunRunCrew members Azibos, Painlezz, Creamycorn, Pinkcutie and Ericthenephew. Initially thought to be of little consequence due to small projectile size, these silver and crimson dual pistols are anything but harmless. They fire at an amazingly high rate of speed and while individually the "bullets" pose little threat, when there are 5-600 speeding towards the target the effects are devastating. Every 5th "bullet" also acts like tracer rounds illuminting a metallic blue path towards the target. Not surprisingly, this increases hit rates for everyone in the test party. There is a "side" effect, damage done with these weapons also heals injuries to the owner much faster. Essentially granting a regenerative effect but only while dealing damage with these pistols. The reason that we have to put bullets in quotes is that these weapons use some sport of coalescent energy condensed into a ovoid shape as "bullets". Test subjects participating in live fire exercises have been known to lose their fear of injury due to their newfound regenerative abilities.

    Damage:1/10 very low
    DPS: 10/10 extremely high
    RoF: 10/10 extremely high (.1)
    Range: 5/10 average

    Buffs: +30% regenerated per dmg dealt, +20dex, +15hit, +18crit, +75hp, +100mp
    *+5 party hit/crit rate (if possible)

    "These things make genocide so much... Easier"
    "Look Ma! Both hands!"
    "If it was any easier, it just wouldn't be any fun... Nope! Still fun!"
    "Right in the face! Right in the Face!"
    "I love my job!"
    - Lt. Painlezz, GunRunCrew Heavy Gunner

  13. #73
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    Xcon, octavos, awesome job peeps, guns look awesome

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  15. #74
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    Default Eh, Let's give this a whack...

    Name: Oramee
    Type: Operative
    Item Name: Crisis-Vipers v.1

    Name:  COLLAGE2.0.jpg
Views: 415
Size:  15.4 KB

    Description: The Crisis-Vipers v.1 is a prototype weapon. The body is compromised of a dark-violet steel metal giving it a sleek and refined feel. The body of the gun is shaped like that of a coiled viper. The top of the viper has pink energy fields ( Similar to the shoulders of the arms of the item, L35 BladeTech Coat for Ops) while the bottom has four. While it is rumored that the more advanced Crisis-Vipers energy fields change colors between blue, green, pink and violet. What's special about this gun is it's ability for it's projectile to attack from the top of the target and not from the shooter's position. Like lightning the shots shoot from the top, shooting a beam of light (about as visible as the flamethrower weapon).

    The result of hitting a target is a vortex of purple lights which surround the target. Visually this is a stunning vortex that makes the target look as if on fire. The visual lasts approximately between 1 to 2 seconds.

    Quest: While the gun itself will be created and soon found....Getting the upgrades for the parts will be found in later levels not yet explored. "Crystal Blades" can be found POST Scorn invasion....Planet Crisonis's moons. In the "Moon Meteor" Quest, Star Legend's warriors will have to battle and scour the silvery-grey moon mountains and peaks. The stars can be seen from the mountain tops....(similar to Numa Prime's layout, but more unique in it's own way).

    Finally, a world with no atmosphere, a world in which we are able to see the stars and floating meteor debris around the surface...but our heroes have no time to be stuck admiring the enemies lurk in corners ready to eliminate intruders. Perhaps our hero's will have to master new attacks and dodge moves to counter the new threats in Crisonis? Meanwhile, legends have it that the Crisis-Vipers will come in handy for our heroes. They must defeat the dark gravity master Crisonis from manipulating matter and summoning massive collisions on other planets. Will our heroes be able to reach him in time? Keep playing and maybe you'll see.

    Quote: "I'll say this again: You're facing a new'll need these then." -- Scorn Veteran

    PLEASE NOTE: I'm not sure how to make the image bigger? I hope this doesn't appear too small or Grossly oversized... :/
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    Last edited by JCort; 09-18-2012 at 12:19 AM. Reason: I need to ask a question I forgot?

  16. #75
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    Name:  23445.jpg
Views: 418
Size:  798.0 KB
    Name:  DSC00067.jpg
Views: 423
Size:  377.6 KB
    Character name - Arjunmpl
    Category - operative
    Item Name - Omega Coagulators
    Discription - "Your blood will vaporise after getting one shot...."- Crying scorn priest

  17. #76
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    Default my operative submission!

    IGN: Deazefla
    Weapons name: DeTerminators
    An Operative by the name of Deazefla, was left behind in the depths of the hive. Her team had died in battle trying to defeat the hives queen. After killing the queen, she was left with the daunting task of defeating the scorn! But with limited resources, how would she do it? Deazefla looked around the hive, green waste and dead vulars littered the ground. "There has to be something here i could use" she cried, as she heard the scorn getting closer and closer. She saw something glowing in the corner, an egg that hadn't been destroyed. "Where did this come from?" she said to herself as she picked up her rusted napalm and prayed for it to work. The napalm rattled a bit and then set the egg ablaze! As the flame died out on her napalm, the egg exploded! She began to search through the green slime in a panic as the scorn came crashing through the hive walls....What she discovered had to be a gift from the gods!....
    -dual wielded
    -glows green
    -shoots toxic green flames
    -has similar damaging capabilities as the napalm but in dual form
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    Sl-engi 50. Op 50. Com 40 GiRls just wanna have fun!

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