A big reason people do say go is because it's more fair. In low level, I've used and had used against me numerous "cut-throat" tactics, and I see different ones at endgame. One is midfight leaving. If everyone just stopped saying go and we descended into PvP anarchy, people would do this all the time. Oh, Im losing the fight or I dont have buffs? Ill just leave so my opponent doesnt get a kill and score, Im going to get a death anyway. Next is tree hugging, which is almost ok in ffa. When a bear with beckon hides behind a tree, it's almost a guaranteed death trap for the other guy. When the bear beckons and starts spamming slashes and stomps, a lot of the time the other player wont even have it showing on their screen until they are dead, so it looks like they teleport. Yet another, more common in low level because of beckon not existing, is midfight weapon switching. Some players use 3rd party software to do this, and its much harder for chrome users to do it fairly than it is for touch device users. For this reason, it is unfair for a called 1v1. It really isnt hard to just find an FFA game, but if you want to try to force FFA onto others, make sure you have friends.