Here are a few ideas I think would make daily blessings better.

1. Don't award XP elixirs to level capped players. Because these elixirs are 100% worthless to those at cap, it amounts to a penalty for being max level. It's easy enough to have the system choose from among the other awards.

2. Make day 5 award more likely to be good. I've never gotten anything that's better than what I can get on a normal day, and I think having the "usual stuff" in the mix on day 5 is the problem. A 1.25x armor elixir is pretty worthless on any day, but getting it on day 5 is a huge letdown. You should take the really small stuff off the list for day 5. I'd also recommend removing the other lame things too: 1 plat? 2500 gold? Getting this for being on time 5 straight days without fail is like a slap in the face.

3. Make the time of next blessing relative to the hour in which it was picked up. This would keep the pickup time from drifting off into the future any time you happen to be later than you expected on just one day. Example: You pick up your blessing at 9:34am. The next day's blessing starts at the same hour: 9:00am. This way you can have a "usual hour" without having it drift into the future so easily just because it took you an extra 15 mins one day to get there. As long as you make it in that hour, you get to keep that hour as your pickup start time. The alternative is that the window keeps sliding forward every time you get delayed even a little bit. The idea of this blessing is to reward people for showing up day after day. Most people will have certain times they can usually do that. Having the window move all the way forward if they're ever late is really annoying. It basically means you always get the worst time in your routine, not the average. Eventually you'll have to not pick it up on purpose in order to set the time back into the preferred window, all because you are late just one time.