Today in funhouse I saa 2 obe bows, two charm staffs,charm hood, 3 recipes, sm battle sword.
Today in funhouse I saa 2 obe bows, two charm staffs,charm hood, 3 recipes, sm battle sword.
Technically, Even having said this and that. Drops are still not 100%. You may/may not get pinks in first run. But chances are still slim. Ill be back with a dozen of 56 tamer pinks.
Ex-Ambassador Of Alterra
Proud member of Turbo
Whatever, life's still gonna move on.
Funny thing started happening with some 56 farmers. They started giving fist purps then pinks to anyone who didn't shut off gifts.
Some new guy joins and we flooded his inv with so much he couldn't rejoin right away.
Try 800-900 nowOriginally Posted by Energizeric:798969
I got obed xbow 1st run ^^
Yup, prices are dropping fast. Logic would say that the 56 glyph items will settle when they reach the price of the 60 glyph items. 56 used to be more rare since Nuri was so difficult that 56 farmers were very few. Now with the nerf, 56 farmers are the majority, so more 56 items falling now than 60 items. Over time they could actually result in 56 items being cheaper than 60 items.
Everyone except me abd the rest on this thread is stupid.
There are added purps to the drop table, and with reroll ur purp is a pink.
BUT I farmed with reroll 2 hours today with a full 56 team and we just got 1 glyph.
I'm not sure if it is fixed but i hope so.
Epic Zombie Apocalypse MINI movie [part 1]:
Techno posted that they "fixed" all of the drop tables to now include purples and allow rerolls. I'm guessing they want to sell more luck elixiers. However, the result is that some of the rare pinks that could not be gotten with rerolls can now be rerolled, so values of a lot of items are dropping. From what I have seen, Nuri and Fang have been the most affected.
I am sadly disappointed in this update to the maps with rerolls.
Here is what I see happened:
STS of course added purples and reroll chances for pinks to the drop table. They have made rares drop dramatically in price because they threw out a precious balance called supply and demand. One might argue that there is a large market for 56 glyph but the market does not match (not even close) to the demand for 56 items ( mainly for pvpers )
Decrease the drop rate of purples. Less purples means less pinks. I'm not suggesting they turn back to what it was like before, but they should consider at least decreasing the rate of drops ESPECIALLY in Forest haven and in Nuris.
*Steps off Soapbox*