You may try my 70 built from my guide for bird? ITtworks fine for me, vs bears birds, and mages ..

A bit practise is needed to be perfect with it tho

Here is the link to my guide :

Here is the built :


My LvL70 EXCLUSIVE Full dex combo for Birds!!

Base points : Full Dex!
Skills points : 7 blast, 7 root, 7 focus, 6 heal, 7 evasion, 7 break , 6 shatter, 7 repulse, 6 blind, 4wallroot, 5avian (if you're 7&, add 1 point on blind)
Items : Crafted Phantom bow set. (if you're 71, you should use the boat bow ) ! 10 Damage+2 dodge ring.
Combo :evasion focus break root shatter blast wall blind repulse heal and .. run
Tips :
- Double root bears
- Brake mages'mana shields, and repulse, run till ur blast is back, and auto break shatter blind => death
- Pray for dodging :P


You may look at there, at middle of my guide, for more tips for birds :

If you have more questions, ask ^^