Quote Originally Posted by Aressgodxx View Post
Choose you officers wisely because i had a nice guild was new and had decent amount. maybe 30-55 members but the next day i woke up and all of them were gone! I was so angry so that whole day i recruited like 30 more to make up for it. BUT THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN AND MY FRIEND SAYS IT WAS: DARIUSCLAWJ who did it the second time! the first time was: Dubyangl who i didnt really know much so it was my fault but it felt like a stab in the back because i gave 50k with his promotion.( he left the guild so i bet it was him) i have no proof so i contacted space time support and they will hopefully look at guild log. now that was surprising for ME because i never did anything to him and we knew each other for quite a while. ( talking about darius)

- keep your guild safe dont have 7 officers on a new guild. maybe on 2
A good rule of thumb: if you have to PM support about it, it's probably not something that belongs on the forums. E.g. scammed, guild grief, in game trash talkers, forgot password, and then some more.