Quote Originally Posted by Yich View Post
I got my level 1 power leveled to 65 at the mount fang cap when I started to get into PL. I did no quests. When humania cap came out, I leveled to 66 and locked xp to use my angel gear. Next I made a 71 by capping on double xp weekend at mega maze. I was also give 4,500,000 worth of gear to PvP with. Im the perfect example of a 71 noob who used elixirs hard, got an extreme amount of free power leveling and got free gear. Despite all that, I'm one of the best at level 17 PvP, I'm a fairly decent merchant, I can grasp the concept of hoarding and I have a nice little stash of level 10 mint staffs, I'm still getting better at endgame PvP, I know the ranges of my skills pretty well (especially stomp aka 8 range), and I have a decent reputation all around (well, not really).

It is key to point out that the one who power leveled me also taught me to merch, PvP, told me where to farm, introduced me to PL in the first place, taught me the important things to learn (like learning ranges instead of learning the names of all the AO pinks), told me not to do any quests and introduced me to some good players.

So my answer is yes and no. Yes, it can be a disservice to just power level a random player. The keyword is can. If you just level someone to 70 for free and teach them nothing else, they will ruin parties with their noobyness. They wont have good gear. They won't know how/when to revive. They won't know how to not be a scatter bear. They could quit from being constantly booted from PvE games/being rushed in PvP games. They'd just be better off without the power leveling.
If you just give a random player a piece of a nice set, it may teach them that if they just sit around and ask for stuff, they can get all kinds of free stuff and never have to earn anything (yeah its a game, but when you play a lot, it really is earning pixels). That would only create more beggars.

BUT, if you take a player under your wing, and teach them the important things while power leveling them and gearing them, it can be beneficial for both you and the player. It would help to know them outside of PL, but isn't completely necessary. It's also a lot of work, so be smart when choosing who to take under your wing. If you teach them to merch (which is really tough to teach IMO), they can not only earn back the initial cash you gave them, but earn back more and pay you for helping them. By setting up a newer player, you take the time it would have taken them to be a "pro" and cut it down a lot. Instead of being a level 30 who still goes to forest haven for a few weeks, they can be capped, at a good farming level (51,56,61,70 and more), and already have good gear for pvping. When you have them pvping, farming, and merching, they can help you in PvP, pay you, give you free gear etc.

So only helping a newbie in one aspect can be bad, but if you completely set them up, they can be good and help you out as well, making it worth it.

Sorry about the length and if I repeated myself a dozen times.
Great explanation Yich, very descriptive point of view.