Hmmm, all pros and richies do that, i'm lvl 46 but i'm not rich, and i didn't do bully to noobs . I just confused, why those richies do this to noobs, they think they're not noobs before, or maybe before this he/she beg for money to ppl, because he's not rich. So, if u wanna prevent from the richies that bully, when u see em, go away before it's too late , or if u're late to go away, mute em, and problems complete

Quote Originally Posted by IAmSoMadNow View Post
It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named ******. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was #####. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them