Quote Originally Posted by Gaunab:836356
Very well said by AbsolutePally.

Mages have gotten used to being little tanks with their heals, mana shield, very high armor and 20+ dodge, as well as doing insane amounts of damage. Thus why many of them are complaining now. Birds seem to get along with the fact that without some lucky dodges they are dead in one second.

Bears should be strong at 1vs1 but I disagree with that they should be able to kill ANY class in one simple combo. A tank doesn't need to kill all the time, it needs to survive. An unshielded mage cant get close to a bear, not even considering to debuff the bear on the first hand because a beckon stomp will be an instant kill if they dont dodge. Birds can as well only pray for a beckon dodge and their roots to hit which will most likely decide the outcome of the fight.
When they do dodge mages and birds they can nuke the sh*t out of that bear and all comes down to if the bear dodges enough to use beckon again or traps/stomps the opponent away before he dies.

I think the high damage on all classes ruins the game mechanics. I still can't decide if 76 or 71 was the worst cap for PvP/CTF both had their own problems.
I'm a tank bear, I used to do pulls and debuff enemies to set up kills for my teammates as well as just tank through them to get flags or keep them off squishier chars. At 71 tanking also gave quite some kills because the crusher did very high damage. I couldn't be sure that I would kill any non str char in one combo and didnt even attempt to get into a 1-1 with str chars cause I knew it would take too long to kill one on my own. I would rather sling or stomp them away calculating the directions and timing the skills carefully. Now it's just beckon stomp + a few slashes and BOOM they are dead. Or wait, they dodged, I'm dead.

Moreover, dodge isn't actually as high as it seems. A bear who has 80 dodge dodges well less then 8/10 skills (not considering debuffs). Dodges, hits and misses often occur in streaks, which makes me wonder how the system calculates them (It's definitely not by the schematics that Phys found years back).

When I look at the game mechanics at lvls like 55 or 61 and compare them to endgame, it really makes me wonder what the devs are actually thinking when they put stats on new gear...
I wish pvp relied on skill, not gear