Quote Originally Posted by Apollo:837239
Quote Originally Posted by Flower View Post
Lol?? Dude cant u hold a fair fight?? 4-0 right?? Then what did u do?? XD explain to all! Run til i got no buffs then buff and kill? Stop makin jokes plz
Do realize that you're speaking to someone who won 3+ tournaments against very skilled players. There are times when your own ego makes you look like a fool, this is one of them.

In the words of Advicatus, "Know your place." I don't mean this to sound offensive, but it sounds like you do not understand the PvP system and therefore are raging at your own ignorance. You cannot argue against someone with years of proven PvP experience over you.
My gosh Parth, how can you be so rude being so polite <3 I love you buddeh xD