Thanks for the Feedback, ninjaduck!

I'll go quickly through your list of cons:


The Locked Camera feature. I am getting used to this feature, and I'm acutally coming to like it. One suggestion though: give it a leveling feature like in SL. If I were to drag up I am on a low level compared to my character. Vice versa, and I have a bids eye view.

- Regarding the camera rotation, this is by design. We have seen from other Legends games that new users can get really confused with the camera rotation vs. character movement. So, we have designed the game so you don’t need to rotate your camera to play!

The Menu Feature is a tiny bit squashed, and the orientation is different to PL, which confuses me cometimes.

- It is a different game from PL, so it's going to be different. I'm pretty sure you'll get used to it after a bit of play.

I'm getting VERY confused with this Party funciton. When I leave a member to join a Towne, I have no party members. However when I go back to the Dungeon, they all reappear. Also, sometimes people can't join me "Because its full" when theres nobody on the map. Its probably just me ,but I'd like to have it explained to be nonetheless

- It's like a party in well, most other MMORPGs (I won't name them, but yeah, those other games). The other people you see in the adventure area are just other people there. You can use the button to send them all a party invite quickly with them if you like playing with them. If you do form a party, everyone will be able to go into the same areas together. It makes it really easy to remake, if you want to re-play an area.

I mentioned this already. Skill maps. I began my first character by adding 1 point to every skill I had. Then I realised there was no point, because there were only 4 skill slots. An arrow to switch maps would be good.

- I guess that's something the player needs to figure out

Vary the daily allies please. At the moment I get about 10K a day for doing nothing. What about a 6 hour one, a 24 hour one, and a 10 minute one. Ofcourse, you would have to vary the rewards, but it would get people online a lot more, and would give some variation to the feature.

- The daily rewards and daily allies are a very good way to accumulate gold. I would recommend that you log in and do them and your potions and pet feed might not seem so expensive. Also, the daily bard quests have some great rewards and players really like them. I highly recommend the daily bard quests as well.

Lower general plat prices for things like Respec'ing.

- I think that price point is under discussion.

Please balance the stats a bit more. At the moment, a pure int mage with FULL FOUNDERS is complete rubbish. Add 15 str however, and you have a potential healer-tank. This means STR is kind of dominating. There should be some sort of disadvantage to having STR, such as drasctically lower dodge.

- Like the skills above, its something the player probably needs to figure out. STR = more hit points and that is usually a good thing in any game

I really really loved the free plat thing for the first 5 levels. Why not continue that in the higher levels? It takes alot more effort and would be fun to look forward to

- We only give you so much for free. When full release happens, there will be offers to obtain free platinum too!

Pots cost way too much at the moment

- see above comment about the dailies

There should be some sort of indicator as to how much XP you have left for the next level.

- good point!

Please, please please make the Jarls less strong. I could ONLY solo it on a 35 plat combo elixir. I want to be able to have a fighting chance to kill him.

- They are still tuning encounters and overall balance.

The difficulty increase when people join your game, is a tiny bit over the top in my opinion. One minute I can get a mob to 1/2 HP in one hit. The next minute its not doing any visible damage at all.

- Create a party is a good way to control who is playing with you and who isn't.

I hope that helps!