Well, the few times a day that I get to play this game, I'm going to try and sell pretty good items... It's been way too long that I literally have little to no creds. I of course don't like begging because... Well it's just not in my nature, I like striving to earn things. And I think it is time to strive to become rich! Lately I've been trying to Lvl my comm and tried buying the Titan Tech set... Well let's just say, I couldn't afford the cheapest piece, that was 2k. I was pretty sad, so I ended up buying the plat version of the whole set (which I must admit looks a lot cooler). I made this thread to pretty much take advice of the filthy rich to become just like them one day! I look up to ppl like Chukie and Astro and the other few who are extremely nice and but filthy rich... And I just want to know, how the heck do you do it? O.o