Quote Originally Posted by Deathpunch View Post
I don't mean to shoot you down, Mitch. I suppose if they had separate downloads of the various games as well as this, that might work, but that still leaves the new server issue. If you really wanna voice chat with the guild while playing fire up a hangout in g+. That way all of us Yanks can giggle at your English accent and you can giggle at ours.

EDIT: Thought of another downside. If SL needs patched that would mean every single person would have to be booted, regardless of the game they were playing while it was updated. Dang, now it sounds like I'm just looking for reasons to shoot this down. :/

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Lmao!! Keep em coming DP :-) And we mainly do that anyway in G+ in our guild Infinite Union. Because We Rock!!
LOL I'm sure I haven't got an accent ;-) maybe one day I'll do a hangout session for cheap laughs XD