Quote Originally Posted by nenjih View Post
I think once you get the top end gear in any game, you start to lose interest (feeling like a god wears off surprisingly fast). Lack of progression kills interest.

I don't think it matters if you farmed for it endlessly or bought it outright. e.g. I know that in World of Warcraft the pvp'ers who grinded endlessly for those 'honor points' to get the top-end gear, didn't really play much afterwards.

Farming it means the journey is a bit longer; but I wouldn't necessarily say more enjoyable. Sure there's the thrill of the possibility of a reward, but that comes part and parcel with disappointment 98% of the time.
wow. what a succinct, well thought, unemotional, and thorough response... you don't see that much.

so is a game better or worse depending on how they pace progression when pay-for-power is an option? for example, burning a game out too quick reduces means a decreasing population at a faster rate, simply put. A low game population is always bad because no one wants to start playing a game that no one plays.

GLU is fantastically aggressive with development and innovation so they can afford the turn over of games burning out because they're always replacing them. Iow: it doesn't matter how many customers you lose. As long as your gaining more than that number.