Quote Originally Posted by Limsyoker View Post
Hello there!

I understand your response and I believe you understood what I was trying to come across to. By rereading your response, I can safely say that you were at least nagged or talked upon with regards to my case example, as you would have not reacted in that manner if it did not cause any bother. I tell you, I have once been an impulsive forum spammer and value my post count as if it was all to me, like a gateway in attaining nirvana or something similar to acquiring satisfaction. Time came when I then realized based from older and well-established "forumers" that a forum community is different from tweeter or any dashboard where people could say what they want to say. Yes everyone has the right to post their minds as I have stated earlier, but since we post on a "community" where everyone sees each other's responses, we have to somehow ask ourselves whether our post would really be of help or dressed and sparkled with substance. But then again, it's just me

In response to your P.S. : Worry not, your name seems unfamiliar to me but would definitely like to hear from you in the future!
Hey there,

No worries, I wasn't talking about you.
That's why I said that I agree with you. The rest of your post, described exactly what some people think I do, so I was just saying a little ''hello'' to my haters.
See you maybe in AL?