This is for the ambitious players that may still be trying to make a name for themselves in PvP.
Here's an oppurtunity. Think of someone that either you heard was really good, or someone you've only heard of. Maybe someone you've always idolized and held in high regard. Ever wonder or think how you would stack up vs. that player?
Here's an example:
I ign:: Kornital lvl 76 bird challenge ign: Kanital (or alias of such player)
Reason: We have similar names and would like to see which prevails, Korn or Kan.
1. Only same level challenges can be submitted (within 5 levels or same cap gear equipment)
2. It must be same class and same gear. Dex vs Dex , int vs. int, str vs. str. Meaning a warbird can't challenge a dexbird, unless otherwise authorized and accepted.
3. No response or a no thank you DOES NOT mean victory/forfeit by default, if the Legend says no or doesn't reply. Meaning they are in no way obligated to accept.
4. It must be a 1/1 to Ten match in either FFA style or Go style.
5. Be respectful, polite, and courteous to everyone. This is something the game has been lacking.
6. Follow the format.
7. Be advised when challenging a legend the legend's main spec/class is where you must rise to meet.* Meaning if your opponent is known to be a dex bird you can not challenge him/her to a warbird fight.
If no response or match the community leaders will sound off in a fair and respectful reflection of a hypothetical match between the said matches.
I will keep track of matches both requested and played, requests may get sponsors since this is a sport spectacle.