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  1. #121
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    Tell me why ayone would use mage if they can use rogue? Rogue has more health, does more damage, has more range, has better armor and has better skills. The only thing mage has thats better than rogue is mana. But whats the point in having mana if you get killed less than a second by a rogue?

  2. #122
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    Rogues are balanced. although your better off with a rogue on your team too. rogues literally slaughter each other, all those kills that see rogues have at the end of a match mostly come feom other rogues. Mages your not underpowered whenever i fight a mage that knows wat he/she is doing i loose 90% of the time in a 1 on 1 fight and I'm a really good rogue 750+ kills and warriors hate me lol. mage you guys need to strategise. the shield is the biggest pain in the but or rogues because it makes aimed shot look like shadow storm shot (the weakest arrow foe single target damage) so i suggest you use it. You more or equal dps. ill tell you how much dmg charged firball does. it takes close to half of my health ans I'm stunned for a ridiculously long time. enough time for you to kill me before it wears off. with all your attacks being ranged and with stuns like that. of course your going to die quickly. just look at your character, its a squishy blue creature that wears bones for armor what do you expect?

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    If rogues are balanced how come they get over 20 kills most games? I had a duel with a rogue as well with my warrior, used all the skills I had and the rogue still killed me. I can kill evrything with my warrior no problem but rogues. Also, rogues can 1 KO sorcerers and 2 shot KO warriors, warriors are meant to have incredibly high health but they die in ablink of an eye against rogues. SInce when was this fair. The only reason you don't want rogue nerfed is since you use him. Look at how powerful a rogue is in everyone else perspective.
    Last edited by Rays364; 01-20-2013 at 08:53 AM.

  4. #124
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    most of the kills rogues get come from other rogues! Because rogues literally slaughter each other. 2 shot KO's never happen on warriors, your the only ive ever witnessed say that and ive talked to lots of warriors and fought lots of warriors. it takes effort to kill a warrior you have a 50% chance of beating one in a 1 on 1 fight and wariors usually work in pairs

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    I'm waiting for an update. Untill then, I'm not going to PVP anymore. It's totally BS that rogues are killing me with 2 shots. I've got 3k HP and 1k Armor... Few minutes ago I was playing against rogue with bow. He was running around and killing people. Cound't even get close to him... Bows are selling very well now in CS... :] Go figure!

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by veins View Post
    I'm waiting for an update. Untill then, I'm not going to PVP anymore. It's totally BS that rogues are killing me with 2 shots. I've got 3k HP and 1k Armor... Few minutes ago I was playing against rogue with bow. He was running around and killing people. Cound't even get close to him... Bows are selling very well now in CS... :] Go figure!
    lol that was probably me, and thats why warriors have axe throw. it pulls enemies towards you. ive been pulled halfway across the arena by axe throw well it felt that way Nd warriors can swing there swords feom bow range and deal damage for reason

  7. #127
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    Default A plea from the mages - Stop insulting our intelligence

    Ok, so I feel compelled to collect here a listing of my favourite profoundly stupid arguments against sorcerers not being underpowered, you rogues and warriors can desperately duke it out over who deserves not to be nerfed, but some of the stuff I've seen posted here is just outright daft. And quite obviously unashamed attempts to weigh in against any sort of rebalance by undermining the intelligence of a huge section of players who are at a very obvious disadvantage.

    - "Mages, learn to play your characters properly. You are balanced just fine it's just ALL of you must be retarded or something" (this argument it seems can be neatly subdivided into a few more specific claims):

    - 'The mages talking are probably using weak *** gear man, noobs...' ACTUALLY the mages who have been talking about underpowered sorcs are mostly maxed, that means the top gear going. These are players who have most likely spent a lot of time and hard plat on their chars, don't undermine our hard work.
    - (My personal favourite) 'You mages need to learn some strategy, try playing in a team. Noobs...' ACTUALLY have you ever tried this? Of course we try and play in teams, we desperately seek out friendlies to hide behind wherever possible but 1) Rogues and warriors don't give a damn about teamwork, they solo it all over the map because they can. If the other two classes aren't encouraged by game mechanics to stick to teams then it's a completely unfair ask to tell mages that we should maybe think about this little thing they call 'teamwork'. 2) Have you ever actually played a game of PvP? You spawn by yourself all over the map and are forced to wander blindly until you bump into some friends who you can keep up with (made impossible by the fact that both other classes have jump-to abilities) or some enemies who inevitably slay you.
    - 'You mages clearly don't know how to build your chars, you've got all those cool knockdown and stun effects. Noobs...' ACTUALLY we don't, we just don't. A charged fireball spell is useful, yes. But our frost spell doesn't even cause an ememy to slow, so now I have to spec out my favourite spell just because it's inexplicably useless in PvP. I've not even seen my charged lightning deliver a stun yet, so I'm not even sure the 20% shot we get at that happening is working. Gale force can be a minor irritation to an enemy but when a warrior can instantly jump back to within 2cm of you and a rogue is still in range after you've knocked him back it kind of negates the usefulness of this spell. So a brief stun from a charged fireball, that's what we've got. Leading neatly into the next outrageously stupid thing I've heard posted up here.
    - 'Mages are a support class dude, you shouldn't be expecting loads of kills or whatever it's not your job. Noobs...' ACTUALLY... are you serious, are you genuinely serious? Have you ever played a mage? We are a terrible support class. We have 4 spells that form our 'support' bracket, one is shield so not a support spell at all, one is curse which is completely ineffectual in PvP, one is heal which I'm sure might be useful for other players if it weren't for the fact that every class can heal and more effectively than we can (that warrior HP buff is obscene). And the last is clock, a nice idea but it drops where we stand and requires a charge to become worthwhile, whilst we're dropping a clock we've got warriors landing on our heads and rogues taking us down well out of range of our poxy little snare. I'm not saying clock couldn't be a bit useful, but one semi useful support skill does not make a support class. To put it simply - either a warrior or a rogue on it's own functions better as a support class than a mage. I'd be very interested to hear any sensible counter arguments to that.

    A sub-division of 'mage' into perhaps a cleric and wizard class (one which possessed some unique and useful support skills and one which dealt solely with AoE, damage and some proper stun effects would fix this up. But at the moment we have the worst of both worlds, less damage than the rogue and a useless slew of support skills.

    I'm not saying I expect to be able to tank, that's why I chose not to play a tank. But keeping your distance is a little difficult when you're outranged by rogues and warriors can close on you before you get a chance to charge a spell that would ultimately have no effect anyway. Mages need an overhaul, just look at us dev's, look at the sorry state of us.

    To conclude - as many other sensible players have stated it is usually the case that the weakest class also deals the most damage/possesses the most powerful support skills. The mage does neither. So stop telling us that we must all be poorly specced/lack the right gear/not know how to work in a team or that we should be utilising our support skills. These are, and I hate to repeat myself, quite profoundly unintelligent attempts to avoid a fair rebalance. Rogues and warriors don't have to think for two seconds about their tactics or their teamwork, and even whilst us mages are doing all of those things intently we are still getting completely outmatched no matter the circumstances. Cut us a break would you. I like this game, but there are some rather unjustified things being said on this thread that are severely damaging my faith in its player base.

    Discussion welcome, arguments not.
    Last edited by Tribalware; 01-20-2013 at 11:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kide2008 View Post
    To All of The Developers out there, i will tell you the truth i'v got 3 characters lvl 21 with perfect weapons and all of them are will balanced , don't listen to these people that claim that it is not balanced ( they just trying to make their only character stronger and stronger regarding of the truth ). they will just have to find out what build they need and what strategy .
    As a quick illustration of my point - What are the names of your three maxed out characters that you have tested fairly against one another? No sane person who had done such a thing could possibly post this drivel in good conscience. I'd like to meet these three characters of yours, because I put it to you good sir that you are in fact lying through your teeth. 'Everything is fine the way it is, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know how to build a character or has no concept of strategy'. I'm going to put it to you simply (because it's simple) - this is not a complicated game, and PvP as it currently stands is not a complicated game mode. Trust me, I've been playing strats and rpg's since before waypoints were a thing. Building a good character is actually very easy providing you have the slightest notion of common sense and utilising 'strategy' in PvP is about as hard as knocking out a toasted sandwich. Gratuitous use of the word 'truth' like that could be considered offensive to those of us with some concept of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kide2008 View Post
    To All of The Developers out there, i will tell you the truth i'v got 3 characters lvl 21 with perfect weapons and all of them are will balanced , don't listen to these people that claim that it is not balanced ( they just trying to make their only character stronger and stronger regarding of the truth ). they will just have to find out what build they need and what strategy .
    If u dont mind please named your sorc here n let me add u to proove with my rogue in pvp...

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    Mage is good when you know how to use him but he is still underpowered. He needs ahealth buff definetly. Since when was 1 shot KO with an arrow balanced and since when was rogue killing you less than a second in close range and faster than you with skills balanced? Rogue is better than mage in almost everyway. This has to be fixed by buffing mage and nerfing rogue. Warriors are balanced.
    Last edited by Rays364; 01-20-2013 at 12:21 PM.

  12. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tribalware View Post
    Ok, so I feel compelled to collect here a listing of my favourite profoundly stupid arguments against sorcerers not being underpowered, you rogues and warriors can desperately duke it out over who deserves not to be nerfed, but some of the stuff I've seen posted here is just outright daft. And quite obviously unashamed attempts to weigh in against any sort of rebalance by undermining the intelligence of a huge section of players who are at a very obvious disadvantage.

    - "Mages, learn to play your characters properly. You are balanced just fine it's just ALL of you must be retarded or something" (this argument it seems can be neatly subdivided into a few more specific claims):

    - 'The mages talking are probably using weak *** gear man, noobs...' ACTUALLY the mages who have been talking about underpowered sorcs are mostly maxed, that means the top gear going. These are players who have most likely spent a lot of time and hard plat on their chars, don't undermine our hard work.
    - (My personal favourite) 'You mages need to learn some strategy, try playing in a team. Noobs...' ACTUALLY have you ever tried this? Of course we try and play in teams, we desperately seek out friendlies to hide behind wherever possible but 1) Rogues and warriors don't give a damn about teamwork, they solo it all over the map because they can. If the other two classes aren't encouraged by game mechanics to stick to teams then it's a completely unfair ask to tell mages that we should maybe think about this little thing they call 'teamwork'. 2) Have you ever actually played a game of PvP? You spawn by yourself all over the map and are forced to wander blindly until you bump into some friends who you can keep up with (made impossible by the fact that both other classes have jump-to abilities) or some enemies who inevitably slay you.
    - 'You mages clearly don't know how to build your chars, you've got all those cool knockdown and stun effects. Noobs...' ACTUALLY we don't, we just don't. A charged fireball spell is useful, yes. But our frost spell doesn't even cause an ememy to slow, so now I have to spec out my favourite spell just because it's inexplicably useless in PvP. I've not even seen my charged lightning deliver a stun yet, so I'm not even sure the 20% shot we get at that happening is working. Gale force can be a minor irritation to an enemy but when a warrior can instantly jump back to within 2cm of you and a rogue is still in range after you've knocked him back it kind of negates the usefulness of this spell. So a brief stun from a charged fireball, that's what we've got. Leading neatly into the next outrageously stupid thing I've heard posted up here.
    - 'Mages are a support class dude, you shouldn't be expecting loads of kills or whatever it's not your job. Noobs...' ACTUALLY... are you serious, are you genuinely serious? Have you ever played a mage? We are a terrible support class. We have 4 spells that form our 'support' bracket, one is shield so not a support spell at all, one is curse which is completely ineffectual in PvP, one is heal which I'm sure might be useful for other players if it weren't for the fact that every class can heal and more effectively than we can (that warrior HP buff is obscene). And the last is clock, a nice idea but it drops where we stand and requires a charge to become worthwhile, whilst we're dropping a clock we've got warriors landing on our heads and rogues taking us down well out of range of our poxy little snare. I'm not saying clock couldn't be a bit useful, but one semi useful support skill does not make a support class. To put it simply - either a warrior or a rogue on it's own functions better as a support class than a mage. I'd be very interested to hear any sensible counter arguments to that.

    A sub-division of 'mage' into perhaps a cleric and wizard class (one which possessed some unique and useful support skills and one which dealt solely with AoE, damage and some proper stun effects would fix this up. But at the moment we have the worst of both worlds, less damage than the rogue and a useless slew of support skills.

    I'm not saying I expect to be able to tank, that's why I chose not to play a tank. But keeping your distance is a little difficult when you're outranged by rogues and warriors can close on you before you get a chance to charge a spell that would ultimately have no effect anyway. Mages need an overhaul, just look at us dev's, look at the sorry state of us.

    To conclude - as many other sensible players have stated it is usually the case that the weakest class also deals the most damage/possesses the most powerful support skills. The mage does neither. So stop telling us that we must all be poorly specced/lack the right gear/not know how to work in a team or that we should be utilising our support skills. These are, and I hate to repeat myself, quite profoundly unintelligent attempts to avoid a fair rebalance. Rogues and warriors don't have to think for two seconds about their tactics or their teamwork, and even whilst us mages are doing all of those things intently we are still getting completely outmatched no matter the circumstances. Cut us a break would you. I like this game, but there are some rather unjustified things being said on this thread that are severely damaging my faith in its player base.

    Discussion welcome, arguments not.
    Then explain this to me if mages are under powered, then why are there mages running around CTF destroying every rogue warrior and mage with the best gear in sight? mages are owning CTF. i admit that wen it first came out, i was squishing mages beneath my feet, now people are actualy thinking things through and dominating with mages. a lot of people get cocky with there mages and even spawn kill now. does that sound under powered to you? And I'm not a bad player either. Mages make a great support class. a mage with a warrior is darn near unstoppable, 2 or 3 mages together is nearly unstoppable as well. Talk to some of the more successful mages at CFT and I'm sure they will agree that mages are NOT UNDERPOWERED. better yet how about the successful CFT mages comment

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    Quote Originally Posted by nicoB View Post
    Then explain this to me if mages are under powered, then why are there mages running around CTF destroying every rogue warrior and mage with the best gear in sight? mages are owning CTF. i admit that wen it first came out, i was squishing mages beneath my feet, now people are actualy thinking things through and dominating with mages. a lot of people get cocky with there mages and even spawn kill now. does that sound under powered to you? And I'm not a bad player either. Mages make a great support class. a mage with a warrior is darn near unstoppable, 2 or 3 mages together is nearly unstoppable as well. Talk to some of the more successful mages at CFT and I'm sure they will agree that mages are NOT UNDERPOWERED. better yet how about the successful CFT mages comment
    Lol this man said mage owning the pvp its so so funny, even patrick no 1 leaderboard mage say in pvp mage was underpowered and lot of my friends sorc with an high end equip say so,come on bro open your eyes its for a good n fun game, i have a 21 rogue too but i realize thats somethings wrong with the balanced of class in pvp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tribalware View Post
    Ok, so I feel compelled to collect here a listing of my favourite profoundly stupid arguments against sorcerers not being underpowered, you rogues and warriors can desperately duke it out over who deserves not to be nerfed, but some of the stuff I've seen posted here is just outright daft. And quite obviously unashamed attempts to weigh in against any sort of rebalance by undermining the intelligence of a huge section of players who are at a very obvious disadvantage.

    - "Mages, learn to play your characters properly. You are balanced just fine it's just ALL of you must be retarded or something" (this argument it seems can be neatly subdivided into a few more specific claims):

    - 'The mages talking are probably using weak *** gear man, noobs...' ACTUALLY the mages who have been talking about underpowered sorcs are mostly maxed, that means the top gear going. These are players who have most likely spent a lot of time and hard plat on their chars, don't undermine our hard work.
    - (My personal favourite) 'You mages need to learn some strategy, try playing in a team. Noobs...' ACTUALLY have you ever tried this? Of course we try and play in teams, we desperately seek out friendlies to hide behind wherever possible but 1) Rogues and warriors don't give a damn about teamwork, they solo it all over the map because they can. If the other two classes aren't encouraged by game mechanics to stick to teams then it's a completely unfair ask to tell mages that we should maybe think about this little thing they call 'teamwork'. 2) Have you ever actually played a game of PvP? You spawn by yourself all over the map and are forced to wander blindly until you bump into some friends who you can keep up with (made impossible by the fact that both other classes have jump-to abilities) or some enemies who inevitably slay you.
    - 'You mages clearly don't know how to build your chars, you've got all those cool knockdown and stun effects. Noobs...' ACTUALLY we don't, we just don't. A charged fireball spell is useful, yes. But our frost spell doesn't even cause an ememy to slow, so now I have to spec out my favourite spell just because it's inexplicably useless in PvP. I've not even seen my charged lightning deliver a stun yet, so I'm not even sure the 20% shot we get at that happening is working. Gale force can be a minor irritation to an enemy but when a warrior can instantly jump back to within 2cm of you and a rogue is still in range after you've knocked him back it kind of negates the usefulness of this spell. So a brief stun from a charged fireball, that's what we've got. Leading neatly into the next outrageously stupid thing I've heard posted up here.
    - 'Mages are a support class dude, you shouldn't be expecting loads of kills or whatever it's not your job. Noobs...' ACTUALLY... are you serious, are you genuinely serious? Have you ever played a mage? We are a terrible support class. We have 4 spells that form our 'support' bracket, one is shield so not a support spell at all, one is curse which is completely ineffectual in PvP, one is heal which I'm sure might be useful for other players if it weren't for the fact that every class can heal and more effectively than we can (that warrior HP buff is obscene). And the last is clock, a nice idea but it drops where we stand and requires a charge to become worthwhile, whilst we're dropping a clock we've got warriors landing on our heads and rogues taking us down well out of range of our poxy little snare. I'm not saying clock couldn't be a bit useful, but one semi useful support skill does not make a support class. To put it simply - either a warrior or a rogue on it's own functions better as a support class than a mage. I'd be very interested to hear any sensible counter arguments to that.

    A sub-division of 'mage' into perhaps a cleric and wizard class (one which possessed some unique and useful support skills and one which dealt solely with AoE, damage and some proper stun effects would fix this up. But at the moment we have the worst of both worlds, less damage than the rogue and a useless slew of support skills.

    I'm not saying I expect to be able to tank, that's why I chose not to play a tank. But keeping your distance is a little difficult when you're outranged by rogues and warriors can close on you before you get a chance to charge a spell that would ultimately have no effect anyway. Mages need an overhaul, just look at us dev's, look at the sorry state of us.

    To conclude - as many other sensible players have stated it is usually the case that the weakest class also deals the most damage/possesses the most powerful support skills. The mage does neither. So stop telling us that we must all be poorly specced/lack the right gear/not know how to work in a team or that we should be utilising our support skills. These are, and I hate to repeat myself, quite profoundly unintelligent attempts to avoid a fair rebalance. Rogues and warriors don't have to think for two seconds about their tactics or their teamwork, and even whilst us mages are doing all of those things intently we are still getting completely outmatched no matter the circumstances. Cut us a break would you. I like this game, but there are some rather unjustified things being said on this thread that are severely damaging my faith in its player base.

    Discussion welcome, arguments not.

  15. #134
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    you know what? that's a damn fine point actually. where are all of these successful ctf mages you seem so certain are dominating the arenas? they must all be away together at the annual 'successful ctf mage' conference because it baffles me that in 7 pages of discussion none of them have spoken up to voice how awesomely fair it is to be a mage right now. and I'd expected a couple of facetious warrior/rogue posts like that anyway just out of nerf fear.

    I guild with genesis, you know... home to players like Patrick, the man with a million pve kills, shima, lesmiserables - all over the leaderboards. pros. in les' own words regarding mages in PvP - 'they get trashed'. so to be honest, having respecced a dozen times and partied with some great PvP teams, I'm still pretty confused as to where you are coming from with this. are you really that desperate to avoid a mage buff? everyone wants more for their class and less for everyone else's, fine, its only natural. but if the game stays like this people will leave.

    once again - 'you obviously just aren't playing your class right' is one really dumb argument to make, and its insultung to the intelligence of every hard working mage player. 30 plat down on respecs, hours spent pvping with various team combos. when i start 'dominating' I'll let you know. scored 10 kills in one game once, that was my highlight. a warrior had 25 and a rogue 32. but I guess most of those kills could be attributed to my role as an awesome support specialist right? all of those useless clock drops I bet.

    EDIT (hah, beaten to the punch):

    Devilevils - Lol this man said mage owning the pvp its so so funny, even patrick no 1 leaderboard mage say in pvp mage was underpowered and lot of my friends sorc with an high end equip say so,come on bro open your eyes its for a good n fun game, i have a 21 rogue too but i realize thats somethings wrong with the balanced of class in pvp
    Last edited by Tribalware; 01-20-2013 at 01:15 PM.

  16. #135
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    the warrior skill that sucks you back to them has way too long of range, wont even see them on my screen and all of a sudden i am getting sucked to them.

    rogues and warriors zip all over the place WITH the flag and mages speed skill does nothing...

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    Name:  537192_4309811068991_2100174871_n.jpg
Views: 221
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    yea.. deacrease WR damage, decrease mage stun, decrease Rogue Aimshot.. Thats all. I made 57 kills in my 2nd pvp game.

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    Ideas for PvP
    1. You will get coins, if you kill somebody or captured the flag. For the coins you can buy PvP gear.
    2. PvE and PvP skill tree, i skilled for PvE and i dont want to pay money everytime to change my skills.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tribalware View Post
    you know what? that's a damn fine point actually. where are all of these successful ctf mages you seem so certain are dominating the arenas? they must all be away together at the annual 'successful ctf mage' conference because it baffles me that in 7 pages of discussion none of them have spoken up to voice how awesomely fair it is to be a mage right now. and I'd expected a couple of facetious warrior/rogue posts like that anyway just out of nerf fear.

    I guild with genesis, you know... home to players like Patrick, the man with a million pve kills, shima, lesmiserables - all over the leaderboards. pros. in les' own words regarding mages in PvP - 'they get trashed'. so to be honest, having respecced a dozen times and partied with some great PvP teams, I'm still pretty confused as to where you are coming from with this. are you really that desperate to avoid a mage buff? everyone wants more for their class and less for everyone else's, fine, its only natural. but if the game stays like this people will leave.

    once again - 'you obviously just aren't playing your class right' is one really dumb argument to make, and its insultung to the intelligence of every hard working mage player. 30 plat down on respecs, hours spent pvping with various team combos. when i start 'dominating' I'll let you know. scored 10 kills in one game once, that was my highlight. a warrior had 25 and a rogue 32. but I guess most of those kills could be attributed to my role as an awesome support specialist right? all of those useless clock drops I bet.

    EDIT (hah, beaten to the punch):

    Devilevils - Lol this man said mage owning the pvp its so so funny, even patrick no 1 leaderboard mage say in pvp mage was underpowered and lot of my friends sorc with an high end equip say so,come on bro open your eyes its for a good n fun game, i have a 21 rogue too but i realize thats somethings wrong with the balanced of class in pvp
    I'm not afraid of a mage buff, nothing will change without something becoming game breaking. read other threads there are mages out there that say they do just fine. as long as there are different classes, someone will always be at a disadvantage, it will never be perfectly even unless everyone just switches to one class. theres always going to be an underdog

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi Goyena Velasco View Post
    Name:  537192_4309811068991_2100174871_n.jpg
Views: 221
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    yea.. deacrease WR damage, decrease mage stun, decrease Rogue Aimshot.. Thats all. I made 57 kills in my 2nd pvp game.
    Ahh, so you must be one of these elusive mage pwners nicoB has been telling us are tearing the place up right? Surely, I mean they were bound to come out of the woodwork eventually. Or, wait a second, are you in fact not a mage? *Holds breath in sarcastic suspense*

  21. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicoB View Post
    I'm not afraid of a mage buff, nothing will change without something becoming game breaking. read other threads there are mages out there that say they do just fine. as long as there are different classes, someone will always be at a disadvantage, it will never be perfectly even unless everyone just switches to one class. theres always going to be an underdog
    Absolutely, and in all honesty that's why I play the mage class. I like being weaker than other classes and having to compensate with clever positioning, smart tactics, thought out builds. But theres a difference between 'underdog' and what's going on now. I agree that things will never be perfectly balanced, I do not agree that a change can't be made that wouldn't result in 'game breaking', that's a ridiculous line of logic. 'Well the games broken now but we'd better not bother trying to do anything about it because it'll only end up broken some more'. You're essentially conceding that mages are underpowered but your argument is now more along the lines of 'but why bother doing anything about it, just the way things go sometimes'. As it stands sorcerers aren't underdogs, we're cats locked into a cage full of wolves. Underdog would be a step up.

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