Remember people, snaggletooth was priced at 80platinum and sold for 2k gold at some point in time. Ripmaw was already announced as a preview for the next expansion, which means it is a loot-able pet. The 250 platinum price is for the privilege to get it earlier than others can, cause we all know base on its stats and attack that it's far from worth it for its price. I agree though that once the new expansion comes, Ripmaw should not drop or be sold in the plat store anymore. There could be a new version with a different color and better stats, but Ripmaw should be gone when that time comes. This way, people who bought it can be rest assured that their pet is exclusive, while those who can't afford it will sleep in peace knowing it is not an overpowered pet and feel that this game is becoming a rich man's game.

I believe that the target market for Ripmaw was not normal players to begin with, but instead those that are striving to stay on top of leaderboards before the season ends at any cost, hence the 250 platinum price. Those who bought it for its looks and exclusivity are just a bonus for the game owners.