Hello Anyanka and Winterkate!

With the 'vampiric valentine' theme in mind, I have read both of your stories. Anyanka, your short piece was exquisite; a vampire and a wolf in love, despite their differences, despite what price they both had to pay to love one another..his heroism, and then lifeless body. What a piece! Winterkate, your short story had a futuristic theme. There was an "invisible partition" that separated the two populations; the Elite and the Ordinary, in which the Ordinary were disregarded.

However, looking into conceptual layout (i.e plot), Anyanka you have won first place and Winterkate, you have won second!
I have sent both of you friend requests on DL. Please accept them so you may take your prizes Excellent writing pieces!

-Marihanna, Celebrate the Apocalypse