You are missing the point I am trying to prove here.

Also, I have been asking for this long before the glintstone auras were even released.

It is not just about the aura but about the set too. It is not exactly cheap to craft that set.
You craft that set for Aps and then you do what with it? You delete it? Or do you create a new character level 46 just to have the set equiped on it but you are never ever goning to play it?

I respect your opinion and demand but I think mine is more reasonable. The mythic set aura is not bad. But I think it's time has not come yet.
Another thing you probably didn't understand - the aura would look like the aura from the set, not the over-brightened aura that was on sale. And it would be bound.

Players LOVE glinstone aura. I am not the only one. It is weird that I have not seen anyone talking about it on the forum, yet.
