I'm sorry if I upset you, but I merely pointed out that there are players [which is a general term for people playing the game, which includes me], who are very much able to compete with Rhinos. Then I gave you the hint that you might want to look at the class which you are struggling against, as you have admitted. I probably used a bit of an harsh tone, because I haven't been able to sleep for a day and I had to repeat myself for the third time, that Mythic was, in fact, not affected by the damage reduction. So I will apologize for my tone.

I will point out that "2 Hit" kill, is a vague wording, which doesn't reflect the reality of Rhino in PvP. Because you have added the specification "one combo", I will assume that this means charge + redemptions. Which would be two skills, and in a way two hits. Under the definition 2 hits = two skills, I will tell you that Birds, Mages, Fox and Bear can do the same thing. Provided there is no dodge of the attacked, and the metioned classes use the OPS weapon.

I do agree that it requires more skill to outmaneuver a rhino, than for example a mage. But for someone with your experience in PvP this should't be an issue. But you have said that it is, so I will again, warmly suggest to you that you study the other class and find their weakness, because it does exist.

Your whole point about damage reducion in mythic is just false, so I will not go further into that one.

The part about the 100 honor and 105 honor sets is true, as others have said already.

Lastly, I regret that we got on this tangent about Rhinos in Mythic. This thread should be about the damage reduction in Endgame honor, which has completely destroyed its balance. A dev may feel free to delete all irrelevant parts.