Quote Originally Posted by Absolize View Post
I wanted to highlight this particularly because I do not feel the L115 gear should be considered a “rare” thing. The thing we look for in PL is activity. Many casual players will not be motivated if the L115 sets are too hard to come by. I don’t agree with the inflation in PL and I do think having a better drop rate for the items will fix this issue. I’ve been in situations where I didn’t have gear to PvP like I primarily do, and it was very unmotivating and people weren’t helping by selling them for ungodly amount of gold, we will have a lot more players active if the gear can be obtained easier.
Fair enough! I may be in the minority, but I rarely if ever PvP so I am firmly in the PvE realm of PL. Having rarer stuff actually motivates me to play more. I think the rarity of the vanity explorer drops helps, but to be fair there are tons of mythic drops already and it's only a week in. Also, they nerfed all of the Myx gold drops (which should help combat the inflation we are all experiencing) and it looks like the 115 campaign drops a solid amount of gold, so players will farm elite/mythic as they begin gold farming there.