Quote Originally Posted by Abuze View Post
Without leeching from others you are limited to a rough amount of 11k XP from daily quest without the luxury of having an XP elixer.
What you're saying is that it is totally possible to achieve getting not 1 but 3 HC chars in a month by only getting 11k of XP daily, now and then you can get lucky with having the time to grind elite runner chest (which you can also have bad luck and not loot a single XP elixer)? Some math doesn't add up does it now?
The game knows that I'm far from shy to grinding hours through the day but there are limits that STS has to consider, we aren't robots, we all have our lives too, esp during this time most students have their exams.

I also know for a couple facts that you do spend plat on your HC toons, not insane amounts again, after that you have the option to get more than enough help from guildies to help you boost with more XP quest that you shouldn't be able to do alone.

This ofc all off track since STS said since the very beginning that all APs related to HC would not impact our main character whatsoever.
Not forgetting how pet APs absolutely make the LB PAY TO WIN.
You can complete glintstone dailies and rengol alone, but its risky without experience. I count around 20k a day, with elix 30k+, with klaas 40k+. Im not going to explain my opponents my exact daily routine.
The help from guildies comes because i have a 71 char too that can help. Seems unfair but remember I leveled that char to 71 a lot earlier, when there was nobody or just very few at the top. People who never played hardcore cant expect help from others, you cant take help without providing any aswell. Players always have advantages. People who bought pets before cheap have an advantage, while im paying literally hundreds of millions for them.
People have their exams... they dont need to do the aps at all. Nobody should let a simple ingame Achievement influence their real life in any case. Its their personal decision. The aps arent meant for everybody to complete them season and you dont need them to stay at overall leaderboard anyways.
I can spend as much plat for my toons as I want - the point is its not needed. U can make it to 71 in 30days without 1 plat spent.

The screenshot quoting Sts that they extracted HC aps from normal ones is completely out of context. These aps were visable in normal chars and they said: Reach Level 25,50,71 in hardcore, since that is not possible on a normal Character they made them character bound to HC chars. Now the new aps say: level ONE character to 71 (not meant to be the one the aps gets shown on but any character). Sts didnt say HC will never influence normal mode, they said "this will not affect normal mode" related to the old HC aps. Now there are new ones, which affect the normal mode aswell. In general it would have been better if they announced them as a possibility for aps on normal chars too but you know that happens when you decide to add aps later.