Quote Originally Posted by Khahl View Post
After a night of messing around with skills and trying some ideas out, I think I've found that balanced hybrid (Boss/AOE) skill setup that I mentioned earlier to be working very well. I'm waiting until I get level 16 to really focus on adjusting the finer bits, but so far the only disadvantage I've found is that in a group, if I am getting swarmed by mobs, and not being quick on my toes, then I can die really fast. It's easy to get swarmed though, especially if nobody else is trying to keep them off of me!

Here is where I'm at right now:
Fireball - 2 (Impact)
Lightning - 4 (NO Electrical Discharge)
Time Shift - 4 (NO Lower Dodge)
Lifegiver - 4 (NO Increased Range)
Total = 14 Skill Points

When I get to level 16, I am thinking to add either Engulf or Ignite to Fireball - not sure yet.

This spec allows me to deal massive damage to bosses with Timeshift/Lightning combo and Fireballs or regular attacks inbetween. While I can also do aoe knockdowns to groups, root them and deal massive aoe damage.

I'm always open to suggestions though

I have a question here. Only been playing a couple days, so bear with me. What are your thoughts on Ice Vs. Lightning? Clearly your preference is lightning, but if we had to compare the two, could you give me your reasons why you prefer lightning. Possibly a compare and contrast, even.

I quote this post primarily because the build I had in mind utilized heal/fire/time, and then I have been debating on the ice versus lightning since I started. I know wind is great, but it just doesn't feel comfortable in use with this build.