To anyone interested in joining EOE15, be advised:

The most current information for the guild is on the website (i.e. This thread needs an update)

We are currently running events almost daily with prizes having values between 100k and 300k.

Some events are character level specific, but most of them are not.

We still host the fashion show weekly. This is one of our members' favorite events and simply involved coming up with theme inspired outfits. One of the most recent events on July 1st had a 400k prize.

The easiest event is Kitten Counting. It is a number guessing game in which the first member to guess the correct number between 1 and 100 will win a prize between 100k-300k value.

Officers in the guild ensure a drama free atmosphere by implementing a rules for warnings based system. Those breaking rules are given three warnings until they are allowed to be kicked and the warnings and removals must be justified to the MOs and GM or it could result in the officer's demotion. This ensures a professional attitude among officers.

Officers also must undergo a lengthy selection and interview process. This mitigates the chances of having bad officers who are rude, abusive, or destructive.

Check out our other events on for more updated guild info.

Any other questions can be referred to me through PM.

Thanks to all those who continue to support us, and to our brother and sister guilds who promote a positive environment that offers to uplift and take care of DL players!