Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
I just wanted to add on one more teeny thing.

If players look at the other 3 threads he has made for AL, DL, & SL, they can see that during the incubation period of each game, the expansion caps were short. They were around 2-3 expansions each with 1 to 2 month intervals.

Thus, as you can see. AL is getting the same treatment that PL got during it's incubation period. SL got the same special treatment during it's incubation period as well. DL did as well, albiet its new caps were a little bit longer between raises and it had 1-2 less cap raises for it's incubation period compared to the rest of the game.

This, I blame on two things:

First off, DL was using STS's upgraded engine, which I'm sure took the developers a little more time to get used to & code, as it had to be more complicated. Again, this is just a hypothesis, so feel free to disagree with me.

Secondly, AL came out pretty quickly after DL. People were very surprised as to how short of a period AL came after DL. This, and AL's popular take off caused DL to get the short end of the stick in terms of campaign increases and the frequency of campaign increases.
Exactly. I'm getting tired of all the "STS only cares about AL these days" posts. Maybe these 4 threads will calm some of that down.