Quote Originally Posted by Eiser View Post
No more recolored vanities,weapons,gems,pets!
I agree with bringing DL birthday event back.
We need new ideas and concepts!
Or how about we have a design contest.
Whoever wins will have their designs used by the developers.
Winner will be rewarded with free plats or gold.
The new designs part is good because of course an inflow of new stuff adds variety to the bunch of vanities that already exist but before you jump to start talking about recolours if you haven't noticed most of the recoloured versions of certain vanities turn out to be badass and a million times better looking than the original and if you want examples I can name a lot of them ..additionally if you've not seen current auction prices then I'd understand your reason for kicking against a recoloured version coming on dl birthday event but if you have then you're probably one of those greedy merches who don't want certain items to come in another version basically because you own those items and you jack up the prices just so that the majority of the public can't acquire them just like you all did with dynamo and trinity ..that said though a reskinned dynamo (black preferably ) would be more than welcome by the larger part of the community along with new stuff of course

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